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3 Sports Ginseng Can Boost Performance For (and Why)

3 Sports Ginseng Can Boost Performance For (and Why)

What’s the most common (legal) tool you’d find in an athlete’s performance enhancement ‘toolbox’? That’s right. Colorfully packaged energy drinks brimming with caffeine – one of the most research-backed stimulants beneficial for all types of exercises. But wait. Caffeine isn’t the only ingredient found in an energy drink. Take a look at its ingredient label the next chance you’ve got, and, chances are, you’d notice an interesting additive: ginseng.

Hmm … what’s that doing there? Does ginseng benefit sports performance, too? And if so, which sports, exactly? Let’s explore.

strength training

#1: Strength training

Focusing intently on the target muscle as you contract it (i.e., mind-muscle connection) can lead to greater increases in size. Admittedly, it does sound like a ‘gym bro’ concept. But numerous studies have lent credence to the notion – and found that the simple act of consciously feeling a muscle work through a full range of motion can enhance muscle fiber recruitment and activation. This, in turn, leads to better muscle growth.

But this technique is hard to sustain as you tire. Well, that’s where ginseng comes in. Studies show that it can help fight fatigue and promote mental focus. In other words: one of ginseng’s benefits for strength training is that it enables you to stay ‘dialed in’ to your workout for longer, allowing you to build more muscle through strength training.

HIIT sports

#2: High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

Another sport that benefits from ginseng supplementation? It’s none other than HIIT – a type of training where you repeatedly alternate between extremely hard bouts of work interspersed with recovery. Thanks to this unique methodology, HIIT allows you to burn calories quickly. In fact: this study found that participants burned 25-30% more calories through HIIT than other forms of exercise! There’s a caveat to performing HIIT, though. Its effectiveness depends on your ability to put in the maximal effort during every work interval.

And that, in turn, hinges on how well your body can recover (i.e., switch back to tapping into its aerobic system for energy) during the rest intervals. To put it simply: you’d be able to perform better if your body can take in more oxygen during the recovery intervals. You must have seen this coming by now. But yes, a handful of studies have shown ginseng to improve participants’ maximal oxygen consumption significantly.


#3: All types of cardio


Regularly making time for cardiovascular activities can help keep your heart healthy. But let’s face it. Even with the best intentions, a lack of cardiovascular endurance could get in your way. For example, getting breathless after 500 meters in your run isn’t likely to inspire confidence – nor motivate you into sticking to a regular exercise routine.


Thankfully, ginseng can provide much-needed benefits on that front, too. According to a 2005 study, for instance, participants who’d taken ginseng for 30 days were able to cycle for a full 4 minutes longer compared to those who’d only received a placebo. That’s powerful stuff.

Ginseng slices

Consume ginseng in its purest form; as nature intended


Tempted to buy a ginseng-containing energy drink or a ginseng supplement for its sports benefits? Don’t. The ugly truth is that many of these ‘ginseng supplements’ only contain trace amounts of the herb. They’re also typically formulated with poor-quality ginseng.


To harness the full performance-enhancing benefits of this traditional Chinese medicine, you have to consume it as nature intended: in its purest form (e.g., ginseng slices and ginseng powder). Don’t worry; you can find all the above right here at Grace Mountain. Best part? You can rest assured of our ginseng’s quality.


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